Thank you for your support and contributions toward raising over $200,000 for WiFi hotspots and increased educational equity so students could maintain access to schoolwork and other learning opportunities during the pandemic.
During the pandemic, the Marin County Library Foundation ramped up efforts to assist Marin’s most economically vulnerable residents. Our efforts included supporting access to WiFi hotspots, Learning Hubs, Book Bistro/book giveaway programs, and summertime Learn At Home Kits.
To increase educational equity, we helped the library issue 800 WiFi hotspots to benefit youth in neighborhoods lacking internet access for homework and attending online classes.
The result? Increased internet access and educational equity. For 75 families, the hotspots provided essential daily resources. In its first year, children logged 50,000 homework hours.
Everyone who received a WiFi hotspot also received a library card, creating whole-family engagement beyond the child who received the WiFi device. In addition, collaboration increased between the library system and the schools.